Peter Benton
Emeritus Fellow
A Fellow of St Cross since 1987 and Emeritus Fellow since my retirement in 2001, I was appointed in 1973 as Tutor for English in the University Department of Education, later University Lecturer in Educational Studies. I was also for several years a PGCE Course Tutor, closely involved with the inception and development of the Oxford Internship scheme of Teacher Education.
Research concerns included teacher education, the teaching of poetry in schools; the links between the ‘sister arts’ of poetry and painting; children’s reading interests; the beginning teacher and children with special needs.
As well as research books and papers in all of the areas referred to above, publications include numerous books for use in secondary schools, of which the Touchstones series was perhaps the best known. In College I have been variously Senior Tutor, Dean and Vice-Master. Since my retirement I have enjoyed chairing the Alumni Association and being a member of the Art Committee.