Community Bursary Award Holder
Joining us from: Florida, USA
DPhil Atomic Laser Physics (2021)
Kaitlin Gili is a recent graduate of Stevens Institute of Technology with a B.S. in Physics and is serving the board as an Alumni Trustee. Kaitlin is currently finishing up an internship with Zapata Computing on the Quantum AI Team before heading off to the University of Oxford to pursue a DPhil in Atomic and Laser Physics. Formerly, Kaitlin has worked on near term quantum algorithms at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) and fault tolerant quantum algorithms at Keio University’s IBMQ Hub. Her passion for quantum computing has led her to conduct research in four countries (Belgium, Japan, UK, and US) and become a scientific author in the field. While researching abroad, she took part in cultural traditions and language lessons that provided her with greater cross-cultural communication skills.
At Stevens, Kaitlin focused on spreading the good word about quantum physics, leading STEM outreach initiatives for K-12 students, and co-founding a non-profit for helping young women navigate their early careers called Encouraging Women Across All Borders (EWAAB). The organization’s mission is to create a pipeline for young women and gender-nonconforming individuals to confidently navigate their career paths and authentically show up for themselves and others in their community. EWAAB’s university program Encourage Her operates in 5 countries and the upcoming U.S. Community College Program will begin in 2021 Fall. Currently, Kaitlin is the Executive Director of EWAAB, leading the organization’s twelve admin, international programs, and strategic development. He largest role is fundraising and networking on behalf of the organization.
For her work with young women, Kaitlin was recognized with the Stevens 2020 Women of Distinction Award and for her leadership in the physics community, she was awarded the Stevens 2020 Leadership in Physics Award. At the University of Oxford, Kaitlin plans to use her St. Cross Bursary award to uplift women while pursuing her own path as a scientist and entrepreneur. Kaitlin is looking to find new ways in which she can uplift the St. Cross Community, and eventually begin her start-up journey in quantum artificial intelligence.