Child Protection Specialist, UNICEF
Currently based in: Florence, Italy
MPhil Development Studies (2005)
Talk to me about: NGOs, Non-profits, International aid, Innovation, Conflict and security affairs, Research
Dr. Josiah Kaplan has worked for more than 15 years as a humanitarian research and knowledge management specialist, with specific focus on issues related to mixed migration, conflict, child rights, and civil-military coordination across INGO sector, UN system and academia. He currently serves as a Child Protection Specialist with UNICEF's Office of Research, based in Florence, Italy. Prior to this role, Josiah has led a variety of research and practitioner functions across the aid sector, including as Senior Research & Innovation Advisor for Save the Children International’s Migration & Displacement Initiative (MDI); as Senior Research Advisor on humanitarian evidence for Save the Children UK’s Humanitarian Innovation Fund and Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) grant; as a researcher with the University of Oxford Refugee Studies Centre’s Humanitarian Innovation Project (HIP); and in a wide range of consultant roles with INGOs, UN agencies, and think tanks. He is an American citizen, and holds a Master's and PhD from St. Cross College, University of Oxford, as well as an undergraduate degree from Dartmouth College.
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