Dr David G Browning
Registrar, Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (retired)
Emeritus Fellow
After a spell in HM Diplomatic Service and completion of my DPhil at St Anthony's College, I was elected to a Fellowship at St Cross in 1968 on my appointment to a University Lecturership in the Geography of Latin America. I was therefore privileged to join St Cross soon after its foundation and to enjoy the 'wooden hut experience' which contributed so much to the present sense of collegiality embracing all College members. Subsequent involvement in the negotiations which secured our St Giles premises, and a period as Vice-Master, confirmed my view that St Cross has the potential to develop as a uniquely important graduate College.
By 1982 I had become involved in the foundation of another new institution with great potential - the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies. It too began life in the St Cross wooden hut and, following its successful establishment in 1985, St Cross kindly elected me a Fellowship by Special Election as the Founder Registrar of the Centre.