Brian Woolnough
BSc R'dg, MA Oxf, Cert Ed Camb; FinstP
Emeritus Fellow
Brian Woolnough has spent most of his professional life in education, and more recently in development work. After 13 years of secondary school physics teaching he spent the next 28 years in the University of Oxford Department of Educational Studies, where he trained secondary school teachers, taught and supervised postgraduate students, researched, examined, edited, and wrote numerous articles, chapters, and books on Science Education and the Relationship between Science and Christianity. He spoke at international conferences and workshops around the world, was secretary of GIREP from 1979-84, and Honorary Editor of Physics Education from 1986-91. A Fellow since 1984 and Emeritus Fellow since 2001, he was Vice-Master of St Cross from 1995-99, and Pro-Proctor of The University from 1993-94.
Since retiring from the OUDES in 2001 he worked in international development with Tearfund, a Christian Relief and Development organisation, as a volunteer Project Officer, and thence in 2007 joined the faculty of the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies (OCMS) as Research Officer.
1. Woolnough, B.E.(1970). (with Llowarch, W.). Using Light. London, Longmans
2. . . . . (1975). The eye and beyond. Oxford, Pergamon Press.
3. . . . . (1985). (with Allsop, R.T.), Practical work in science. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press
4. . . . . (1988). Physics teaching in schools 1960-1985; of people, policy and power. Lewes, Falmer Press.
5. . . . . (1991) (Ed) Practical science; the role and reality of practical work in school science. Buckingham, The Open University Press.
6. . . . (1994). Effective science teaching. Buckingham, The Open University Press.
7. . . . (2001, 2006). Life on the Streets and by the Sea. Abingdon, Larkhill Publishers.
8. . . . (2010). (Ed, with Ma, W.) Holistic mission; God’s plan for God’s people.Oxford, Regnum Press
9. . . . .(2010) My story; back from the dead. Abingdon, Larkhill Publishers
9+ (2013) Good news from Africa, Community Transformation through the church. Oxford, Regnum Press
Research Reports;
10. Woolnough, B.E. (1975), (with Thomson, J.J. and Gould, C.) Practical work in sixth form science. Oxford, OUDES.
11. . . . . (1976) Relationship between maths and physics. London, Institute of Physics
12. . . . . (1979) Statistics relating to education and physics. London , Institute of Physics
13. . . . . (1981) Supply and training of physics teachers.Harfield, Association for Science Education
14. . . . . (1984) (with Allsop, R.T.). Factors affecting the uptake of Technology in Schools. Oxford, Oxford Educational Research Group.
15 . . . . (1988). Technological Education and Science in Schools. Hatfield, ASE.
16 . . . . (1990) Ed. Making choices. Oxford, Oxford University Department of Educational Studies
17 . . . . (1991) The making of engineers and scientists. Oxford, Oxford University Department of Educational Studies
18 . . . . (1996) (with McIntyre R). Enriching the Curriculum: An Evaluation of CREST and GETSET. Oxford, OUDES.
19 . . . . .(1997). Enriching the Curriculum (ii): An Evaluation of GETSET 1994. Oxford, OUDES.
20 . . . . (1998). Encouraging Engineering: an evaluation of Engineering Education Schemes in Scotland. Oxford, OUDES.
20a . . . .(2001). (with Slowther A, Bunch C, and Hope T.) Clinical Ethics Support in the UK: A review of the current position and likely development. ETHOX. London, The Nuffield Trust.
21. .. . . . (2008). The Global Christian Forum, 1998-2007, and beyond. An Evaluation Report. Research report. Oxford, OCMS.
Editorial, Edited, Series
22. Woolnough, B.E. (1975-76). Projects in Physics series (7 books). Oxford, Pergamon Press.
23. . . . . (1986-91). Physics Education (30 editions). London, Institute of Physics.
23a . . . .(1987). ‘Physics and faith’ edited edition of Physics Education, Vol 22, articles byJohn Polkinhorne, Brian Josephson, Mike Poole, Colin Russell, and Herman Bondi.
24. . . . . (1990-1996). Developing Science and Technology Education (12 books). Buckingham, The Open University Press.
25. . . . . (1996-97) Exploring Primary Science and Technology. (3 books) Buckingham, The Open University Press
26. Woolnough B.E. (1980) ‘Mixed ability teaching’ in Ganiel, U.(ed) Physics Teaching Education. Jerusalem, Balaban
27. . . . .(1980). ‘Trends in school physics teaching’ in Preece, E (ed) Perspectives 3, Exeter, EUDES
28. . . . (1982). Factors affecting the uptake of technological inputs into 11-13 science’ in Proceedings of 2nd International Symposium on World Trends in Science Education
29. . . . . (1987). ‘The place of technology in schools’, in Technology in Schools. Milton Keynes, Open University Press
30. . . . . (1988). ‘Environmental education and technology’, in Environmental Education in the National Curriculum. London, World Wild Life Fund.
31. . . . . (1988). ‘Technological education and science in schools’, in Physics, Science and Technology. Bristol, The Institute of Physics.
32. . . . . (1989). ‘Towards a holistic view of processes in science education’, in Wellington J.J. (ed) Skills and Processes in Science Education. London, Routledge
33. . . . . (1989). ‘Towards a holistic form of assessment for practical coursework’ in Bennetts, J. (ed) The Assessment and Moderation of Coursework in School Science. Hatfield, Association for Science Education.
34. . . . . (1990). ‘Changes in Physics Teaching in England since 1960: the people, policy and power in curriculum administration’, in Haft H and Hopmann S. (eds) Case Studies in Curriculum Administration History, Lewes, Falmer Press
35. . . . .(1990). ‘Towards a holistic view of science education (or the whole is greater than the sum of the parts, and different)’. In Hegret, D. (ed) More History and Philosophy in Science Teaching. Talahassee, Florida State University.
36. . . . .(1990). (with Pell, D. and Wynn, B.) ‘Being a teacher: whole school aspects of internship’, in Benton, P. (ed) The Oxford Internship Scheme: Integration and Partnership in Initial Teacher Education. London, Gulbenkian Foundation.
37 . . . . (1991). ‘Setting the Scene’ and ‘Practical science as a holistic activity’ in Woolnough, B.E. (ed).Practical Science; the role and reality of practical work in school science. Milton Keynes, Open University Press.
38. . . . .(1991). ‘Faith in Science?’ in Matthews M. (ed). History, Philosophy and Science Teaching; selected readings. Toronto and New York, OISE Press and Teachers College Press.
39 . . . . (1991). ‘Science and Religion: Friends or Foe?’ in SATIS 16-19. Hatfield, Association for Science Education
40 . . . . (1996). ‘From principles into practice – developing the science curriculum programme’, in Allsop, R.T. and Benton, A. (eds) Mentoring for Science Teachers. Buckingham, The Open University Press.
41 . . . . (1998). 'The Role of Extra-curricular Activities in Science Education'. in Oakes M (ed) Raising and Maintaining Standards in Science Education.ASE Inset Services.
42 . . . . (1998). 'Authentic science in schools to develop personal knowledge', in Wellington, J.J. (ed) Practical work in schools - which way now?. London, Routledge
43 . . . . (1998). ‘Practical work for the next century’, in Teaching Science in the Inquiry-Based Classroom. Washington, American Association for the Advancement of Science.
44 . . . . (1999). ‘School Science – Real Science? Personal Knowledge, Authentic Knowledge and Student Research Projects’, in Badiera M et al (eds) Research in Science Education in Europe. London, Kluwer Academic Publishers.
45 . . . . (2000). ‘Appropriate Practical Work for School Science – Making it Practical and Making it Science’. in Minstrell J and Van Zee E H Inquiring into Inquiry Learning and Teaching in Science. Washington DC American Association for Advancement in Science.
46 . . . . (2002). ‘Professional Development of Science Teachers through Action Research.’ Conference proceedings of CASTME conference in Goa,and ICPE conference in Cyprus.
47 . . . . (2005). ‘The nature and nurture of Science (as it really is.)’ Chapter in Physics Teaching and Learning , Girep book of selected papers dedicated to the memory of professor Arturo Loria. Udine, Girep @ University of Udine.
48 . . . .(2009). ‘The GCF 1998-2007 and beyond. An Evaluation Report’. Pp 141-208 in Huibert van Beek (Ed) Revisioning Christian Unity, the Global Christian Forum. Oxford, Regnum Press
49. Woolnough, B.E. (1971) ‘Photography in the study of human movement’. Visual Education
50 . . . . (1972). ‘School Research lab liaison’. Physics Education
51 . . . . (1972). ‘Science helps the sportsman’. School Technology
52 . . . . (1974). ‘Current trends in physics teaching’. Physics Bulletin
53 . . . . (1975). ‘The place of technology in schools’. School Science Review
54 . . . . (1975). ‘Maths-Physics interface in schools’. Physics Education
55 . . . . (1976) ‘A fresh look at some current myths). Education in Science
56 . . . . .(1976) ‘Practical work in sixth form physics’. Physics Education
57 . . . . (1977) ‘Physics in the comprehensive school’. Physics Education
58 . . . . (1979) ‘A further look at some old myths’. Education in Science
59 . . . . (1979) ‘The role of the laboratory in physics education’. Physics Education
60 . . . . (1980) ‘The training of science teachers – perceptions of providers and consumers’. Education in Science
61 . . . . (1981) ‘Mixed ability teaching in England’. European Journal of Science Education
62 . . . . (1981) ‘ A technological flavour’. Times Educational Supplement
63 . . . . (1981) ‘Teaching physics’. Education Digest, Education.
64 . . . . (1981) ‘Trends in school physics teaching’. Physics Bulletin
65 . . . . (1982), with Howson, J. ‘Head of Department – dictator or democrat’. Educational Research
66 . . . . (1982), with Beattie, G. ‘Practical work in 11-13 science, the context, type and aims of current practice’. British Educational Research Journal
67 . . . . (1982), with Beattie, G. ‘Why do practical work in 11-13 Science’. School Science Review
68 . . . . (1982) ‘What happens to PGCE Physicists?’. Physics Education, 17
69 . . . . (1983) ‘Exercises, Investigations and Experiences’. Physics Education, 18
70 . . . . (1984), (with Allsop, R.T. and Nash, M.). ‘Factors affecting pupil uptake of technology at 14+’ Research in Science and Technological Education, 2.1.
71. . . . (1986, 87, 88, 89, and 90). ‘Physics as a human activity’(86), ‘The assessment of Practical work’ (86), ‘Travel can broaden the mind!’ (87), ‘Reductio ad absurdum’ (88), ‘Values and purposes within technology’ (88). Whither process in science education?’ (88), ‘Investigations – not a tame type of practical’ (88), ‘Conflict? – what conflict?’ (89), ‘Outstanding questions for physics educations’ (89). Editorials for Physics Education.
72 . . . . (1989). ‘Risk of drowning by numbers!’. The Independent, 2nd Nov 1989
73 . . . . (1989). ‘Faith in science?’. School Science Review, 70.252.
74 . . . . (1990). (with Allsop, R.T.) ‘The relationship of technology to science in English schools’. Journal of Curriculum Studies.
75 . . . . (1990). (with Toh, K.A.) ‘Alternative approaches to assessment of practical work in science’. School Science Review, 71.256
76 . . . .(1990). (with Toh, K.A.) ‘Assessing through reporting, the outcomes of scientific investigations’. Educational Research, 32.1
77 . . . . (1993). (with Toh,K.A.) ‘Middle school science students’ achievement in laboratory investigations: Explicit versus tacit knowledge.’ Journal of Research in Science Teaching. 30.5, pp445-457.
78 . . . . (1993). ‘Teachers’ perceptions of reasons students choose for, or against, science and engineering’ School Science Review, 75.270 pp112-117.
79 . . . . (1994). ‘Factors affecting students’ choice of science and engineering’. International Journal of Science Education, 16.6, pp 659-676
80 . . . . (1994). ‘Why students choose physics, or reject it?’. Physics Education, 29.6, pp 368-374
81 . . . . (1994). ‘Who will enlighten the students?’. New Scientist, 9th July, pp 47-48.
82 . . . . (1994). ‘What’s wrong with school science?’ Physics World, Oct pp 15-18.
83 . . . . (1995). (with Toh, K.A.) ‘Science process skills, are they generalisable?’. Research in Science and Technological Education. 12.1, pp 31-42.
84 . . . . (1995). ‘School effectiveness for different types of potential scientists and engineers’. Research in Science and Technological Education, 13.1.pp 53-66.
85 . . . . (1995). ‘Switching students onto science’. British Council Science Education Newsletter, August 121.
86 . . . . (1995). (with Toh, K.A.) ‘Explicit versus tacit knowledge in laboratory investigation: a reply to Ross’ Journal of Research in Science Education
87 . . . . (1996). ‘On the fruitful compatibility of Religious Education and Science’. Science and Education, 5 pp 175-183.
88 . . . . (1996). ‘Changing pupils’ attitudes to careers in science’. Physics Education, 30.5. pp301-308.
89 . . . . (1997). ‘Factors affecting student choice of career in science and engineering; parallel studies in Australia, Canada, China, England, Japan and Portugal’. Research in Science and Technological Education. 15.1 .pp105-121.
90 . . . . (1997). ‘Motivating students or teaching pure science?’. School Science Review.78 (285). pp67-72.
91. . . . (1997) (with Young DJ and Fraser BJ) 'Factors Affecting Student Career Choice in Science: An Australian Study of Rural and Urban Schools'. Research in Science Education, 27.2. p p195-214.
92 . . . (1997) ‘Improving science education’. Asia Pacific Journal of Education 17.1 pp 108-110
93 . . . .(1999), (with Marshall, D and Summers M). Students’ conceptions of learning in an engineering context’. Higher Education. Pp 1-19
94 . . . . (1999), (with McLaughlin S and Jackson S) ‘Learning by doing – two classroom studies of pupils’ preferred ways of learning science’. School Science Review, 81. Pp 27-34
95 . . . . (1999), (with Mashadi A) ‘Insights into students’ understanding of quantum physics: visualizing quantum entities.’ European Journal of Physics, 20. Pp 511-516.
96. . . . (2000). ‘Authentic Science in Schools? An evidence based rationale’. Physics Education, 34(4) pp 293-300
97 . . . . (2001). ‘What really happens when pupils ‘do science’ – and how can we find out?’. Studies in Science Education, 36. Pp 162-168.
98 . . . . (2001). (with Slowther A, Bunch B, and Hope T. ‘Clinical ethics support services in the UK: an investigation of the current provision of ethics support in the UK’. Journal of Medical Ethics, 27. Sup 1 pp i2 – i8
99 . . . . (2001). ‘Of Knowing Science and of Doing Science: a reaffirmation of the Tacit and the Affective in Science and Science Education”. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education., 4. Pp 255-279
100. . . . (2001). ‘Why go to Goa in the middle of an English Winter?’. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology Education. 4.1 pp469-472.
101. . . . (2001). ‘Physics Teachers as Self-evaluating Professionals.’ Conference proceedings of GIREP conference, Barcelona.
102. . . . (2002), (with Keiler, L.S.) ‘Practical work in school science: the dominance of assessment.’ School Science Review. 83.304. pp83-88.
103 . . . . (2008). ‘But how do we know that we are making a difference; Issues relating to the evaluation of Christian development work’ Transformation 25.2-3. pp134-143.
104 . . . . (2009). ‘Christianity and Science; Friends or Foes?’ Transformation,27(2). pp 83-94
105 . . . . (2011). ‘Christian NGOs in Relief and Development: one of the church’s arms for holistic mission’ Transformation 28(3), pp 195-205
105+ . . . (2014). ‘Good News from Africa, Community transformation through the church.’ Trasnsformation. 31(1). pp1-10
105++. . .(2017). ‘Purpose, Partnership, and Integration: Insights from Teacher Education for Ministerial/Mission Training’ Transformation, pp1-13
Miscellaneous ‘publications’.
Though hardly publications in the conventional sense of the word, there were two productions which were quite fun;
106 Woolnough, B.E. (1971). (with Professor Sir Hermann Bondi). Light and Special Relativity. An audio tape discussion., Wakefield, Sussex Tapes.
107 . . . . (1974). (with Professor Rudolf Pieirls). The basis of Quantum Theory. An audio tape plus slides discussion. London, Audio Learning.
Conference proceedings, less significant articles, book reviews, letters to papers and translated articles in other languages and other countries (eg Germany, China, Japan, Portugal, Italy and Malta) have not, in general, been included.
Nor have I included the fifteen or so short articles for Christian and Church magazines, ten Christian pieces for a local secular newspaper, as well as about 12 research papers for Tearfund on development issues such as Impact Assessment, Accountability, Relationships with the local Church, Partnership, Pastoral Support for Nationals in DMT, and HIV/AIDS. These latter papers were produced when I was working with the Asia, and Africa, groups as part of the International Team at Tearfund, Teddington.