Alberto Giubilini

Alberto Giubilini

Fellow by Special Election

Alberto Giubilini (PhD 2010, University of Milan) is a Senior Research Fellow at the Oxford Uehiro Centre for Practical Ethics and Oxford Centre for Ethics and Humanities. Prior to joining the University of Oxford he worked in Australia at Monash University, University of Melbourne, and Charles Sturt University.

He works mostly on issues around public health ethics, particularly the ethics of freedom restrictions in public health policy and vaccination ethics; and on issues around medical and professional ethics, particularly conscientious objection in health care.  Previous work includes the concept of collective responsibility; ethical issues around "challenge studies" in vaccine research, antimicrobial resistance, human enhancement, artificial intelligence, abortion, end of life decisions, and organ donation; the teaching of medical ethics in medical schools; and the role of intuitions and of moral disgust in ethical arguments.

He has a co-authored book on the ethics of conscientious objection in health care forthcoming with Oxford University Press and is the author of The Ethics of Vaccination (Palgrave MacMillan 2019).


Featured publications:

Giubilini, A. U. Schuklenk, F. Minerva, J. Savulescu, forthcoming. Rethinking Conscientious Objection in Health Care, Oxford University Press
Giubilini, A. forthcoming. Should religion be permitted a seat at the table of bioethics? The case of abortion. In Smith, K. (ed.). Bioethics and Religion. Exploring the Intersection. Springer
Giubilini, A. 2023. Freedom, diseases, and public health restrictions. Bioethics, 1–11, Online First