Morning session 11.00-12.30
Overview of US Employment and Discrimination Law: intake, assessment, developing a case, and substantive claims.
The initial conversation or two with a potential client will determine whether you will accept an engagement in the first place, and the first few hours of work are often the most important you will spend on the entire matter. Only a case that has a sound foundation can be “developed” into a full superstructure, and in this session, we will discuss both the elementary principles of the law, and, how you will use them to guide your management and construction of the case.
Afternoon session 14.30-16.30
US Employment & Discrimination Law: litigation process, alternative dispute resolution schemes, process pitfalls and pointers, trial and arbitration strategies and techniques.
You think have a good case, a sound superstructure built on a solid foundation, but you have to convince other people of that – both those opposed to your case, and those disinterested people (judge, jury, perhaps the media and public) who will ultimately decide whether your client “wins” or “loses” legally, socially, etc.; both those groups will be constantly probing your case for cracks. In this session, we will discuss the art of persuasion and the science of procedure in parallel, for coming up short in either can bring your whole edifice down.