Walter Sinnott-Armstrong: “Moral AI and How We Get There”
Abstract: The good news is that AI can bring many great benefits to us all. The bad news is that AI can also cause harm, invade privacy, exacerbate social injustice, and undermine responsibility. This talk will outline proposals about how to gain the benefits of AI while reducing its moral dangers. It will focus on a novel method for building idealised human morality into AI systems.
Biography: Walter Sinnott-Armstrong is Chauncey Stillman Professor of Practical Ethics in the Department of Philosophy and the Kenan Institute for Ethics at Duke University, with secondary appointments in Duke’s Law School and Department of Psychology and Neuroscience. He teaches a MOOC (massive open online course), Think Again, with over a million students registered. His research is mainly on moral artificial intelligence, political polarisation, consciousness and free will, and various topics in moral psychology and neuroscience. His trade book (with Vincent Conitzer and Jana Schaich Borg), on Moral AI and How We Can Get There, was published in 2024.
The lecture will be followed by a drinks reception and all are welcome!