Anthony Geffen, multi-award-winning filmmaker and creative director of Atlantic Productions presents Back to the Titanic. This documentary film follows the first manned expedition to RMS Titanic in nearly 15 years and captures the wreck for the first time in stunning native 4K. The program follows Caladan Oceanic’s deep-ocean exploration team, led by explorer Victor Vescovo, as they set out to solve some of the wreck’s greatest mysteries. Using the submersible camera systems, the team performed dedicated photogrammetry on the wreck, allowing highly accurate, photo-real 3D models of RMS Titanic to be produced. The 2019 expedition received world-wide news coverage last year when the initial results of the dives were announced.
This special screening will then be followed by a Q&A session with Anthony where he will take questions from the audience concerning both the film and his time as a filmmaker. Anthony is one of the world’s leading documentary filmmakers and a pioneer in multiplatform story telling. He has won over 50 international awards including multiple British Academy awards (BAFTAs) and multiple Emmy Awards. His films, which have been seen across the world, include documentaries, theatrical films and IMAX. His diverse output includes 11 projects with David Attenborough, including the award winning Great Barrier Reef Series, the acclaimed BBC series Inside the Commons, The Coronation in which the Queen spoke for the first time about her coronation, the landmark series (BBC/Discovery) The Promised Land, about the great African American migration, and the award winning theatrical film Wildest Dream: Conquest of Everest.