This term's Students versus Fellows General Knowledge Quiz took place on Monday 12th June once again in the fitting surroundings of the book-lined Ursell Room in Pusey House with the two teams continuing to pit their wits to win this year's competition trophy, following one win for each team during the previous two terms. The Fellows and Students teams were also joined on this occasion by the Visiting Scholars from the Chevening CRISP Fellowship programme, who fielded their own team for a bit of fun with friendly competition and were a welcome addition.
Across several different subject rounds, the two teams answered some challenging questions, once again ably researched and formulated by quiz enthusiast Lesley Sanderson, the former Master's PA. Everyone was reassured that there were no likely vampires in attendance when no-one on the three teams was able to come up with 'Alliumphobia', the word for a fear of garlic, as the answer to one of the questions! The Fellows team gained a strong early lead and although the Students team rallied in later rounds with a nail-biting finish in which triple bonus points were allocated, the Fellows team managed to maintain the lead to to win by 63 points to 52.5 points for the Students.
Father Mark Stafford, President of Common Room, once again expertly acted as Quiz Master with the Student team led by Galen Brown (Students) and the Fellows team led by Dr Jo Ashbourn (Fellows). It was a particularly fun evening with everyone looking forward to the challenge resuming next year!