On Wednesday, March 1, the College held its annual Research Presentation Prize Competition over Zoom. Eleven students presented talks on their research to an audience of over 80 people with the added challenge of only being able to use three slides and needing to keep their talk under five minutes. The audience was treated to fascinating insights into a wide range of subject areas, from history to physics, business to the medical sciences.
The speakers were:
Calvin Cheng - Exploring the Survival of Conspiracy Theories on Social Media: A Computational Approach
Yiran Ge - An Exploration of Worry During the Transition to Adolescence: Pupils’ Emotion Regulation and Coping
William Kinsella - Romans after the Fall of Rome: The Problem of Modern Interpretations of Medieval Identities
Ryan Lee - Resurrecting the Value Effect: The Role of Technology Stocks
João Lourenço - Internalizing Radioimmunoconjugates to Target KRAS Cancer Cells for Simultaneous Radio-Ligand Therapy and Radiosensitization
Dimitrios Mamalis - Nanobody Multimers as a Novel Scaffold for CryoEM Imaging of Small Proteins
Tanya Manchanda - The Friendship Pill: A Prescription for Adolescent Mental Health
James Marsden - Black Hole Beacons: Searching for New Particles with Superradiance
Álvaro Martínez Pechero - Modelling Crack Formation in Nuclear Fusion Reactors
Nazia Thakur - The Host with the Most: Examining the ACE2 Receptor Usage of SARS-CoV-2 Variants to Assess Species Tropism
Hang Xu - Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Batteries
Once all the students had presented, the audience participated in a live online poll to select the talk they had enjoyed most, and Nazia Thakur was named the winner of the competition having garnered 34% of the audience vote. The event, organised by Dr Jo Ashbourn, Senior Tutor (Academic Affairs & Programmes), was a dynamic showcase of students' research areas and achievements, which inspired a number of enthusiastic audience questions after the talks.
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