Miroslav Gašpárek assists Slovak government with COVID-19 modelling
Miroslav Gasparek assists Slovak government with COVID-19 modelling
Miroslav Gašpárek, who served at the 2019-20 SRC Careers Rep and founded the St Cross Innovation Society, collaborated with the Slovak Institute of Health Policies on the modelling of the spread of COVID-19 in Slovakia. This included carrying out background analysis, literature review, and feedback to the models used by public authorities. While Miroslav’s model was not used for the official predictions, it provided a cross-validation tool for the official governmental model. You can read his report here.
Martin Smatana, head of the Institute of Health Policies, praised Miroslav’s work: ‘Miroslav’s contributions had a very positive impact… and played an important role in the public communication of the COVID-19 modelling efforts.’