On Friday 5 March the College held its first Research Presentation Prize Competition over Zoom. Six students were shortlisted to present talks on their research to a live audience of over 70 people, with the added challenge of only being able to use three slides, and needing to keep their talk under five minutes. The audience were treated to fascinating insights into a wide range of subject areas, from music to physics, chemistry to the medical sciences.
The speakers were:
Selena Milanovic - Seeing What Brain Pictures Hide
Ceri Ngai - Musical Noise versus Noise Music: What Do You Hear?
Maria Giovanna Foti - What’s the Higgs Boson?
Rand Alkaissy - Developing an Implant for the Purpose of Shoulder Repair
Carlson Alexander - Fluoride and Lanthanides
Gabriela Belsley - 3D T1 Mapping for Non-invasive Diagnosis and Treatment of Liver Diseases
Once all students had presented, the audience participated in a live online poll to select the talk they had enjoyed most, and Carlson Alexander was named the winner of the competition having garnered 34% of the audience vote. The event, organised by Dr Jo Ashbourn, Senior Tutor (Academic Affairs & Programmes), was a dynamic showcase of students' research areas and achievements. There was a lively discussion following the talks with the topics inspiring a number of audience questions, and it is hoped that this will become an annual event - watch this space!